From Short Break…

Came to inform I’ll have some new articles (that are important, albet a little late…) posted soon, and then I’m going to blog about my DSLR camera that came in yesterday! Super excited. Today I’m fiddling with my camera, also I’m trying to rehabilitate my mind from such stress recently. Housework, trying to remain motivated…

Oh, and I am doing a 1200 calorie diet so I can become healthier. Been doing good this week, however I messed up today by consuming more calories than noted, and then having ice cream and brownie together. Yeah, not good.

Anyway, I’ll upload some pictures of my DSLR Canon T5 and my cute Fujifilm Instanx 8 camera!

Finally Purchased a DSLR! ^3^

As I stated in the previous post, I finally settled with a Canon Rebel TS5 with a 18 m – 55 mm lens and a 75 mm – 300 mm lens. I happened to find this bundle on sale on Amazon for the price of $449.00 when the original price was $799.00, so I am very thankful! I would’ve purchased for a Canon kit for $545.00 but I felt uncertain spending five hundred dollars with so much stuff to look into and understand.

This is somewhat anticlimactic, but I didn’t plan to buy a DSLR camera today. I guess I thought the day I purchased my camera would be on a special day. No, not as a birthday present or graduation gift, but when I’m completely definite on what DSLR would fit my tastes. No second guessing, more of a, “this is what I want.” Day. Mind you, I assumed that date would reside later in the year, but I guess not. So, suppose today is the day? I certainly hope so.

I looked at other cameras besides Canon, and I feel that Nikon only stands beside Canon in DSLR quality. Of course there’s other brands, but it doesn’t seem to capture my attention as much. Or maybe I’m a fan girl for Canon?

With my saved funds and sacrificial concert tickets, I bought the bundle. Yes, I did question and research the quality, also, it’s the ideal camera for beginners. I didn’t want anything too cheap nor amateur, and neither ridiculously expensive only for me to understand two control buttons. I planned to get the 50 mm lens because of good portraits, but would it matter if I use the 18 .mm – 55 mm? Because it should also utilize the 50 mm aspect before reaching  55 mm, right?

EDIT: Okay, so, I fell asleep while typing this, so I apologize. Woke up and trying to recall the rest of my post…

I’m somewhat blind in the DSLR department, but I’m trying to grasp the concepts. I understand a few things, but not all of them yet. I also bought a cute Fujifilm camera! Goodness, I haven’t seen film cameras in such a long time, so I bought because it might bring some use as well.

Thankfully, I managed to buy four items for a total price of $600.50, so I’m incredibly happy :D. Hope I could make good use of it, and then I can use various of things and take good quality pictures.